Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Polar Bear

Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world, rivaled only by the Kodiak brown bears of southwestern Alaska. The most carnivorous of the bear species, polar bears feed primarily on the fat of ice-dependent seals. The remains of these seals provide food for many other Arctic wildlife species, giving polar bears a vital role in their ecosystem, and the polar bear is a beautiful animal because it is fat and has a soft fur. 

Scientific Classification :

U. maritimus


The World Conservation Union (IUCN) estimates that there are between 20,000-25,000 polar bears in the world.

Polar bears are only found in the Arctic. The most important habitats for polar bears are the edges of pack ice where currents and wind interact, forming a continually melting and refreezing matrix of ice patches and leads (open spaces in the ocean between sea ice). These are the areas of where polar bears can find the greatest number of seals.

As the sea ice advances and retreats each season, individual polar bears may travel thousands of miles per year to find food. Polar bears are distributed throughout the Arctic region in 19 subpopulations, including Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway.


Pregnant polar bears need to eat a lot in the summer and fall build up enough fat reserves to survive the denning period. They seek out maternity dens in October or November. Most maternity dens are located on land where snow accumulates including along coastal bluffs, river banks or pressure ridges on sea ice.  Sows give birth to usually 1 or 3 one-pound cubs and then nurse them until they reach about 20-30 pounds before emerging from the den in March or April. The young are born from November through January while the mothers are hibernating. Cubs will remain with their mothers for a little over 2 years. Female polar bears can produce five litters in their lifetime, which is one of the lowest reproductive rates of any mammal.


Polar bears feed almost exclusively on ringed seals and bearded seals. They are also known to eat walrusbeluga whale and bowhead whale carcasses, birds’ eggs, and (rarely) vegetation. Polar bears travel great distances in search of prey.
but, many people speak about polar bears is cannibals. As usual, some Al Gore loving hippy claimed that this cannibalistic behavior was the result of climate change and lack of food etc as a result, however, a level-headed innuit noted that a male polar bear eating a cub is a normal occurrence.

Despite what we think, a polar bear's fur is white.  Each hair is a clear hollow tube.  Polar bears look white because each hollow hair reflects the light. On sunny days, it traps the sun's infrared heat and keeps the bear warm at 98 degrees F (when they're resting).
Polar bear fur is oily and water repellent. The hairs don't mat when wet, allowing the polar bears to easily shake free of water and any ice that may form after swimming. 
Underneath the fur, a polar bear's skin is actually black -- the black skin soaks up the sun's heat and helps them stay warm.
Polar bears also have a 4-inch layer of fat underneath their skin.  This prevents them from losing any of their heat.  In fact, if you look at a polar bear with an infrared camera, they are pretty close to invisible (in other words, they don't give off any heat!.

1. How many cubs do female bears have?

A. 1 cub.

B. 2 cubs.
C. >3 cubs.
D. 3 cubs
E. 1-3 cubs

2. What do polar bears eat?, except.

A. some berries

B. birds
C. eggs.
D. cubs
E. fish

3. In which country  of the world's polar bears to be found?

A. Norwey
B. Indonesia.
C. Arab.
D. Germany
E. Yaman.

4. In which season are most polar bear cubs born?

A. Autumn

B. Summer.
C. Rainy.
D. Winter.
E. Spring.

5. How many polar bears are there in the world?

A. 1000

B. just one.
C. 40000
D. 25000- 40000.
E. 25000.


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